People at business meeting shaking hands

Agency/Client Representation

Working with a marketing agency is expensive and results cannot be guaranteed.

Protect your investment by using a client representative to provide a more seamless interface between you and your agency.

Why do I need a client representative?

Sometimes agency engagements work perfectly – with both sides being completely satisfied. But perfect engagements aren’t typically what we get. And when the work goes wrong, it can be a very costly situation.

There are three main reasons breakdowns occur in agency relationships:

  1. Clients come to the table with too little direction.
  2. Feedback lacks direction and purpose.
  3. Client approvals aren’t managed correctly.

The sole purpose of a client representative is to manage against these three sources of breakdowns. If you have a strong team in place, you may not need a client rep. But if your team has a few weak spots, you have had some recent turnover, or if you’ve been burned before, a client rep can provide critical bench strength that can protect your significant agency investment.

How it works

An Iceberg Marketing consultant will meet with your team to develop a Marketing Focus Statement designed to brief your agency. This critical first step happens before kicking things off with your agency.

Next, your Iceberg consultant will work as a member of your team in meetings with the agency. Lastly, your Iceberg consultant will work with your CMO to secure appropriate approvals before the work goes live.

To learn more about the process, see the blog post, “How to get the most from your creative agency.”

Schedule a complimentary consultation to discover how your organization could benefit from customized client representation today.

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